English Version

Foreign language education is currently undergoing a transformative phase marked by dynamic shifts in instructional paradigms, primarily fueled by the ever-evolving landscape of digital technologies. This evolution is characterized by innovative pedagogical approaches, heightened collaborative efforts, and an increased openness to adaptability in teaching practices. In this context, it is imperative for educators to cultivate a reflective perspective on their competencies to effectively navigate these evolving challenges autonomously and experience a sense of self-efficacy. It is worth noting that professional growth in teaching is not solely an individual endeavor but thrives within a collaborative milieu.

I invite you to embark on a journey of exploration and experimentation with me as we delve into these exciting new developments. I offer a range of lectures and workshops encompassing two pivotal areas: the cultivation of reflective foreign language teacher professionalism and the facilitation of digital and inclusive classroom development within the realm of English language instruction. Please feel free to reach out to me for further information and inquiries.

My professional journey includes diverse academic experiences at institutions such as TU Dortmund University, the University of Virginia, and the University of Cologne, as well as practical teaching engagements in Germany and abroad. Furthermore, I had the privilege of serving as a consultant and curriculum developer for foreign languages at the Quality and Support Agency – State Institute for Schools (QUA-LiS NRW) from February 2015 to August 2023. As of September 2023, I have assumed the role of a professor specializing in linguistics and EFL teaching at the University of Education in Ludwigsburg.

As an academic and educator engaged in the field of translational research, I specialize in the intersection of the role of reflection within the context of foreign language teacher training and professional development. Arising questions relate to the use of AI in foreign language education, mindfulness in education, and ways to support those students who are not there yet in their language journey. This approach involves designing AI-based learning opportunities and tasks that support (young) learners in their individual language learning journey, including perspectives such as cultural and linguistic sensitivity, learner well-being, and inclusive pedagogy. I have experience with learning management systems such as Moodle, as well as expertise in course development and digital teaching on these platforms.

My scholarly pursuits extend to the empirical examination of teacher knowledge, practice and mindset, specifically addressing inclusive perspectives and digital considerations. Furthermore, I investigate how EFL teacher education aligns theoretical approaches with teaching practice and curriculum components.

Selected publications in English:

Timpe-Laughlin, Veronika, Roters, Bianca and Butler, Yuko G. (2024), Exploring the Idea of Task in the Context of the Young Language Learner Classroom. ETS Research Report Series. https://doi.org/10.1002/ets2.12389 

Blume, Carolyn, Gerlach, David, Roters, Bianca & Schmidt, Torben (2021). Mindsets and reflection in teacher education for inclusive language classrooms. Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung, S. 33-54.

Blume, Carolyn, Gerlach, David, Roters, Bianca & Schmidt, Torben (2019): The ABCs of Inclusive English Teacher Education: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study Examining the Attitudes, Beliefs and (Reflective) Competence of Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers. TESL-EJ. Available Online.

Bianca Roters (2017). (Primary) EFL teachers’ professional knowledge. In: E. Wilden & R. Porsch (Eds.). The Professional Development of in-service and pre-service primary EFL teachers. National and International Research. Münster: Waxmann. pp. 167-180.

Roters, Bianca (2015). Pre-Service Teachers’ Professional Growth as Leaders – Empowerment through Research-oriented Reflective Practice and Didactic Expertise. In: Craig, Cheryl J. & Orland-Barak, L. (Eds.) International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies. Bingley: Emerald. pp. 31-49.